Two messages of the Universal House of Justice of the Baha’is with hidden conversion messages
“In other clusters, enrolments during the expansion phase may not be high, especially in the first few cycles, and the goal is to augment the number of those willing to participate in core activities. This, then, defines the nature of the consolidation phase, which largely involves nurturing the interest of seekers and accompanying them in their spiritual search until they are confirmed in their faith.”
(Universal House of Justice December 27th 2005)
“Having acquired the capacity to serve as tutors of institute courses, they take up the challenge of accompanying participants in their initial attempts to perform acts of service until they, too, are ready to start their own study circles and help others do the same, widening in this way the scope of the institute's influence and bringing eager souls into contact with the Word of God.”
(Universal House of Justice December 27th 2005)
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My friend
once upon a time there were only Hindus in India but today you can see there are millions of christians, muslims and buddhists. The constitution of India has given right to every citizen to choose the religion of his choice. If some Hindus like to accept Baha'u'llah as their god, their spiritual guide, what is the problem to you? The teaching of Baha'u'llah are the best teachings for the mankind today. Baha'is believe is oneness of mankind, oneness of religion. We believe in all the Hindu gods and goddesses.
Before writing anything rubbish please try to read some original texts as well, you can find them here
Ruhi material is infantile. After the first session I had I stopped on the way home to get something to eat and just sat in my car and cried as a grown man. It was the end of 32 years of total dedication in the Faith. To me individual human thought and individual human interpretation of ideas and concepts was sacred. I really believed the Baha'i Faith said individual human conscience was sacred. The Baha'i Faith is now the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party with the people at the top trying to indoctrinate the people at the bottom what to think in a horrible and tawdry paint-by-numbers scheme. I knew right then and there the current version of the Baha'i Faith was totally doomed and no result would be forthcoming in the lifetime of anyone now living. The current version of top down thought control is completely against the powers of the New World Age which are about the empowerment of the individual human person. Witness the global individual communication of the rise of the Internet. It is individuals who will pull together to build the planetary civilization of the World Age. It was just heartbreaking to see that the Faith had been highjacked by the lifetime incumbent Administrative Order. The Faith is now completely loveless. It is totally Orwellian. It is massively suicidal. It has totally destroyed itself spiritually. But I think Baha'u'llah foretold all this in the Tablet of the Holy Mariner. People reached far beyond their station and have called down upon themselves Divine Judgment. Chief Priests, Scribes, and Pharisees religion is to be taken from the Earth in this World Age. It was all very, very sad. I did finish all the classes over two months I think it was. I completed the book. But it was very hard on my health. It was one of the absolutely worst experiences of my life and I was in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War!
If you find a Ruhi Book on-line just read the insanely infantile and groupthink Orwellian course and you will understand. The people that wrote this crap shall end up in the front row circles of Hell.
I've read through your anti-Ruhi blog and am rather confused by your accusations against the Baha'is. What exactly do you find deceptive about their conversion methods? Having gone through the Ruhi books myself it seems clear to me that their purpose is to make certain that new believers truly *do* understand what the Baha'i Faith is about. Also, I've never heard express hostility towards Hinduism, much less call them devil-worshippers as you suggested. Baha'is do not even believe in the devil!
Susan Maneck
Nobody mentioned the interesting fact that Paul Lample is the founder of Palabra which publishes the Ruhi books. So that now we have the editor/creator of the Ruhi series (Arbab) and it's publisher (Lample) on the UHJ. Looks like Ruhi is going to be around for quite a while.
Ruhi does NOT contain the Writings of the Central Figures of the Faith AT ALL nor does it promote deep reflection. It has snippets from the Writings taken completely out of context and more often contains quotes from spurious Pilgrim's notes. Through the idiotic exercises and guided multiple choice "answers" it is out and out rote indoctrination in the pet personal opinions of the deranged top down lifetime incumbent class that owns the Baha'i Faith as their personal satrap. It has set the progress of the once great potential of the Baha'i Faith back AT LEAST 800 years. Truly, one of the most fatal turn of events in human history. The idiots that did this will have plenty to answer for in the next World.
Meanwhile, the Free and Unfettered Spirit of the New World Age is pouring into the consciousness of Mankind through completely free and open discussion, completely free and open publishing, film making, study of ideas of potential world financial re-structuring, and the study of community level economic resource organization across the World via the Global communication of the Internet. The sea change in humanity is happening in individual personal spheres of influence on every level of human endeavor quite apart from anything the Administrative Disorder of the Baha'i Faith could ever conceive to micro manage into the ground. The Baha'is are too restricted as individuals to ever take part in this free and open Planetary bottom up endeavor. The Baha'is are not players. They are more isolated, incestuous, and inward than ever thanks to total Ruhization in every land..
But everyone be of good cheer! The New World Age will indeed unfold in great and beautiful power from the Realm of the Spirit across the Earth!
Best to everyone!
I am the real Craig. Someone took my posts from Baha'i Rants and copied and pasted them onto this Blog as "Anonymous" and "Craig". A friend called this to my attention today (02/20/13). It was not me who posted them here in the pasr. Whoever did this lie on behalf of their position on these tragic but equally barren issues exhibits the same warped lying psychopathology as the idiots on the other side. I am sick of it all. What an embarrassment to humanity! I am so glad to be cleared of all "organized religion" now. I tried to help progressive spiritual ideas for many years. It just did not work out. 99% of the human beings on this planet in "politics", "ideology", and "organized religion" are mentally ill. The record of humanity on these endeavors speaks for itself. I'm moving on in the movie business. I wish everyone here will find a life. Best wishes to all!
I first joined the Haifan Baha'i Faith in 1983 and was active for many years. But now I consider myself more of a free spirit, even though I still find spiritual inspiration in the writings of Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha. But I use other sources as well. I certainly feel that Baha'u'llah connected with Spirit and thus was able to reveal the vast spiritual material that he did. I resigned in the early 2000s then decided to re-join and I am still officially on the Haifan Baha'i membership rolls. But I have found that the Faith has become even more of an organization then ever before. They are heavily into this Ruhi series of courses to train "Baha'i teachers" in an effort to speed up enrollments. Sadly, the main-line Baha'i Faith has strayed even further from nurturing true and meaningful spirituality. The writings have such wonderful and deep spirituality and mysticism, but you hardly ever hear of concerted efforts at deepening.
The Hidden Words are rich in meaning, and are wonderful for practicing Lectio Divina. But my practice also brings in the Bible and some of the Zen Buddhist writings as well. Outside of scripture, I use some of Eckhart Tolle's material as well as Joel Goldsmith's Infinite Way writings. All of these I find valuable sources of spiritual inspiration and development. They each offer ways to help one connect with Spirit, meditate on the Word, and practice the presence of the One.
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